Creed got up this morning and was not wanting to get out of bed. For the last week he has not wanted to go to school, but when I told him that it was is last day and then he would be off for the next 10 he jumped up and got ready. He came home from school, we had a celebration of strawberry milk shakes and cinnamon toast. Creed loved it and the twins just went along with it because they got ice cream in the middle of the day.
We are very excited to go and see the family in Sanford and have a long spring break WITH Thad and have him around for more then a day. I was not sure what I was going to do with him the whole week, but Mandy has graciously let him do her tile. This is the most excited I have seen him ever wanting to go on a trip... Thanks Mandy... Well I hope to have a lot of fun pictures of our trip. Ty, Mandy and Mom get ready, chaos is coming :). I will post when I return!
Happy Spring everyone, I love this time of year.